
NUNCA TIRES LA TOALLA is an independent clothing label based in Milano. All pieces are hand made, cut and sewn by local artisans, constructed to cherish the body and the workout routine, before and after. I hope that by wearing this pieces you take care of your body being comfortable and cozy, no matter your real and authentic body form.

Queste cuciture rappresentano la sublimazione dei nostri solchi dell'anima e del cuore. Come delle nadi, canali energetici che atrraversano il nostro corpo. Come un tumulto di passione che sgorga dal cuore ed attraverso questi canali trova la sua liberazione. Per questo, "Nunca tires La Toalla" (non gettare mai la spugna), hai ancora energia !

These seams represent the sublimation of our soul and heart furrows. Like nadis, energy channels that pass through our body. Like a tumult of passion that flows from the heart and through these channels finds its liberation. For that, "Nunca tires La Toalla" (never give up), you still have energy !